The rest of Stonehenge is in production. Trilithon Two in 76th scale is done. T2 in 35th scale is underway. Trilithon One and Trilithon Four are nearly ready. After that will be part of the outer ring four uprights and three lintels a septlithon, if you will. Then two more trilithons of the outer circle. And to wrap it up in the individual models: the final single standing megaliths. The fallen stones will be in the baseplate.
Check out the difference between 76th and 35th scales.
The baseplate
Maps and hidden stones
I can have some fun with the baseplates. It doesn’t have to be (sculpted) grass. I’ve ideas for maps and maybe diagrams.

Then, there’s Stonehenge throughout the ages. I’m very keen on the early 1900’s version – the one held up by sticks. Stonehenge au naturel. Before any fixing and making better with concrete.
After selling my pictures to all and sundry on a market stall to locals, tourists, strangers, friends, and most of all collectors, and collectors who become friends, I love collectors. Marvelous people. People who love my work as a witch photographer will have seven, some a dozen of my pictures in their house. It’s an ego boost. Makes me proud. And I remember them when they approach my stall for a chat.

So, to collectors of these sets, I’ll remember you, too. Though more digitally than eyeballing your mush on a wet day in Ludlow. And I’ll be offering discounts, so things get cheaper for you. And other stuff as I think of it. I love collectors – we’ll be friends.

1:76th scale then 1:35th
Pocket sized 76th scale – three and a quarter inches high (8.3cm). OO scale railways size. It’s a busy-work-desk size. I think. Just the right size for my mam’s china cabinet. Or by-the-telly size. And when you add in the base plate, a foot and a half! I think it’s a good centre-piece-on-a-table size. Anyway, it’s the size I’ve started with.
Next and during 1:76th scale is 1:35th scale. Good size for Tamiya dinosaurs. Six inches of solid cost cast iron! Or copper, bronze, brass et al. It’s big. Detailed. Wonderful size. Bookend. Door-stop weight. And the two 35th scale base plates are double the 76th scale, would you believe it. It means that the inner is 37 inches (94cm) in diameter and outer ditch version 161 inches (410cm). Thirteen and a half feet. That ain’t table-top size. I want one. But I don’t know where I’d put it. Yes, I’ll do light-weight, hollow versions too for those collectors with foresight and a wobbly dining room table or those who balk at the air freight postage costs. And a 1:35th version of the stones that’ll look right on your lawn.
And then, smaller ones. 1:160th scale – N scale second most common scale railway. At this scale, Trilithon Two is one and a half inches (4cm) tall, the inner circle base plate about 8 inches in diameter while the outer ditch base plate is 40 inches (96cm).