Barney Harris has worked out the man-hours needed to craft the stones. Fabulous stuff. I see that it is the lintels that took the longest. I hadn’t thought of that.
They have six sides to dress where the trilithon’s uprights have a back that is left rough the buried side that wouldn’t have had much attention, though the inside face would be polished smooth, the two walls wouldn’t, as they show lots or remaining working lines.

So a lintel would take, roughly, 2½ man years 24/7/365 i.e. full time. Or, or one man around 8 years at 8 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year.

Se more 3d models of Stonehenge here.
If… There were 8 people working on a lintel it would have to take one year. Just a ballpark, something to consider.
There would be several teams working on several stones at the one time. Longer days in the summer, shorter in the winter.
Consider that they’d bring the stones – all-a-huffing-and-a-puffing, like a factory, in batches and work on them in batches. Who’s to know which of the sarsens went up first, but likely the inner five trilithons. Then begin the otter circle. Rather than the southern section of the outer circle, then the inner, then the northern outer to fence in, the inner. That is, they’d have completed one part, first; rather than mixing projects. IMHO.
How long to build Stonehenge?
So… I’ve got in my mind around 10 years – to build the inner and outer circle.