Stone 55b

The top part of the broken and fallen ‘fat’ upright from the central Trilithon 3 — it lays across the Altar Stone. Much of the graffiti on the top has worn away. Can just make out:

I suspect the upper case letter I with the stroke through it would be the Latin form.

Close up of Stonehenge's Stone 55b showing a hand for scale with the graffiti Iane Fleming
Latin lettering
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Fingerprinting Sarsens to West Woods

map of west woods the origin of the sarsens and routes to stonehenge

The fingerprinting of the sarsens of Stonehenge is fascinating. Though it took nearly three years and was a year late.

Seems that most of them are of the same type and probably from the same area. Even the Heel Stone! Which, as it is undressed and there’s a pit close by that it could have been pulled from, is surprising. As well, I thought there were at least two types of sarsen, orange and purple. But this seems to be unimportant — now.

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Durrington Shafts could be sarsen pits

Again, Brian John picks apart the ‘Durrington Shafts’ and points out that even the authors think that the northern arc is likely natural.

It pisses me off so much that the Stonehenge area has become so full of big junk science. It’s hard to get to the small truths.

Some of these holes (none are shafts) could well be sarsen extraction pits, which is far more important and has been ignored in this recent paper.

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How long to build Stonehenge?

A map of the hot spots of time to carve out the shapes of the stones of Stonehenge.

Barney Harris has worked out the man-hours needed to craft the stones. Fabulous stuff. I see that it is the lintels that took the longest. I hadn’t thought of that.

They have six sides to dress where the trilithon’s uprights have a back that is left rough the buried side that wouldn’t have had much attention, though the inside face would be polished smooth, the two walls wouldn’t, as they show lots or remaining working lines. Continue reading “How long to build Stonehenge?”