Here, S54, inner, the narrow gap face. Obviously, stick space men. Conclusive proof, built by aliens.

Perfectly accurate
Here, S54, inner, the narrow gap face. Obviously, stick space men. Conclusive proof, built by aliens.
So much graffiti. Possibly, because some stones may be softer, easier to carve.
A museum in Germany is making a decent, life-sized, model of #Stonehenge Trilithon Two. Found via @Clonehenge. An opportunity for me to show off my models. In rust for detail and damp winter garb for colour.
Something, I’d like, on my walls. Pictures, inner and outer, of T1, T2 and T4 in full damp, winter colours. Or in bronze, rusted iron — to more clearly show the longitudinal tooling marks of the builders.
Stones 57, 58 and lintel 158. Outer is left lumpier (right), inner is polished flat (left).
At five foot two (158cm) for the Trilithon Two and Four and 5½ feet (167cm) for the tallest stone S56. It’s tall! And wide 26 feet circle, 30 foot including the fallen sarsens. You’re going to need a big back yard.
I realised I hadn’t good visual of the different Stonehenge model scales, up to 6th scale. Here it is, with the diameters of the outer circle and the mean height (trilithon two and four). It’s visualised in rusty iron, but all finishes will be available, including real life skins.
I have an option of 6 different lids to the boxes, characters are for scale. You can choose between:
Here are 1:76 (H: 84mm 3⅓in) being the smallest, 1:12 (H:522mm 20½in) the largest. Trilithon Two megalith models in full colour.
White is much nicer. Shows up the colours of the moss, lichen and mould.